Dear all,
I am using now Home Assistant together with NodeRed since some time, but I am still learning.
HOme Assistant I am using for integration of different components (e.g. Z-Wave, Velux KLF200 Roof Window) and of course as Frontend UI (Lovelace). Node Red I am using for all automations.
Today I have a question regarding my Roof Windows.
I have them integrated with Velux Integration which enables me to place entities of the Roof Window to my UI:
I can perfectly control them, and I have already some automation in place togehter with Node Red.
What I am now missing is an easy option to open the window for a specific amount of time, e.g. 5 Minutes, 10 Minutes, 15 Minutes and close it again after the time is over.
Of course I could now create a seperate entity for this feature, sending to Node Red and starting an automation for that.
The question for me is, could I take the cover, add the timer options and present one single entity on the UI?