Ideas for dashboard design for mobile using sections

Hi all

Just looking for ideas and inspiration as I am switching to use the new sections layout / cards on my main HA ‘dashboard’ and it might be time to do something different/better.

My config/design is based around a set of icon/buttons at the top of the screen. Touching a button sets a input_select helper and then shows the correct ‘section’ (view) using the visibility functionality of sections. Each view/page is setup as a vertical stack in a section.

Below are a couple of my screens so you can see what I am talking about. I just have a feeling there is a much better way to do this or something similar…

Works fine and designed work on a smart phone (so all sections have width = 1) but keen to see/hear what other folks do.

I’ve done the same, using quite a few input_booleans and conditional cards. That was (and still is) a part of getting more up to speed with various aspects of HA in tiny increments. I got up and running quickly for lighting and relatively simple climate control, but I’ve barely scratched the potential of HA.

If there are other ways to the same ends, I’m not sure I’m up for what that entails, but I’m interested regardless.

Thanks for sharing. Sections seems to work well for this approach. I previously was using local conditional card (hacs) to do this so nice to have a way using core HA.

Hello…i found your dashboard and liked the idea of a heating monitor…
would you share how you monitor that?
I hove an oil boiler, but i can imagine that there are ways to get the info from it and if it is just from current clamps :slight_smile: Hope you will be able to soon…
thx upfront.
Oh and what source are you using for the outside temp?
Weather forecast or real meter? And if real meter…which…