Identifying integrations/hardware that work without cloud

I’m interested in having a Smart Home (as opposed to a Connected Home where all of your devices require cloud services). Searching the topics, It seems others are interested in this also. To that end, it would be really useful if the integrations could be filtered to only identify integrations/devices that will work without any cloud (indeed, without an Internet connection at all) connectivity.

To be completely honest, I would probably not build a completely cloud-disconnected installation – I might like Google Assistant voice command and perhaps other optional cloud-based services for example, but for most control devices (lights, thermostat, plugs, etc.) I do want those to work without any cloud connectivity. I want them to work when the Internet goes down, but more importantly, I don’t want their control to based on a cloud server that is subject to attack from hackers. I want those devices to be controlled entirely from within my own LAN.

Is there any chance of being able to get that kind of filtering added to the integrations?

Being able to filter by the integration’s Quality scale would also be useful in deciding what products to purchase.

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