If a device connects to the Tuya app, can it work with HA?

I’m considering this device and it says it uses the Tuya app - will I be able to get the data into Home Assistant?

You connect the tuya intergration using the app when it asks to scan the QR code, tuya/smartlife app based devices are reliant on the cloud connection to work.

Not all tuya wifi devices that are working in the apps will show in the HA integration if they don’t have the support at the time and this is up to the manufacture to fix if your device does not show control options when you do set it up.

Hello Ben,

Usually. Sometimes. Often. It’s Tuya, so it’s a crap shoot, sometimes you get snake-eyes.
I installed a Tuya heated mattress pad. All I get is if there is an update or not.
No switch, nothing to tell me it it is on or was on. No access to the timer.
Nothing useful.

Fixed that for you :slight_smile:


Thanks, I always misspell stuff. That looks better.

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I’ll keep looking to find something else then :slight_smile:

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As we keep advising folks… keep to zigbee/zwave/lora based devices and dable in matter just to see whats out there that fits your needs when you have the setup to do so.

Also Tuya zigbee isn’t generally as bad as Tuya wifi.

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If you don’t find anything with local control like zigbee, zwave etc. you can always try local tuya or tuya local, the initial setup is a pain in the ass but once you get it working it just works. I have some devices that use tuya just because anything else would be twice the cost, and I got them working the way I wanted. If you need any help just reach out.

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Dominik Wrobel has it right here.

Tuya WiFi stuff is ridiculous. Know that going in, and build a useful to you workaround. If that sounds like not something you want to tinker with,
Then Don’t Use Tuya WiFi.

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