If a mqtt switch is not connected in the network, then will the homeassistant show the switch icon or not?

This is what I have added in my configuration.yaml file:

  client_id: home-assistant
  port: '1883'
  keepalive: '60'

switch: !include light1.yaml

sensor: !include sensor.yaml

Here is my light1.yaml file:

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Outlet 1"
  state_topic: "/house/light1confirm"
  command_topic: "/house/light1"
  payload_on: "1"
  payload_off: "0"
  qos: 0
  retain: true

Here is my sensor.yaml file:

- platform: time_date
      - 'time'
      - 'date'
- platform: worldclock
  time_zone: Etc/UTC
  name: 'UTC'
- platform: worldclock
  time_zone: Asia/Kolkata
  name: 'Mehul'
- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "/house/temp1"
  unit_of_measurement: "°F"
  name: "Temperature"

The front view of my Homeassistant:

If you create an MQTT switch, it will show up whether it is on the network or not.

I guess you are expecting everything to show up on the front end automatically?

Sorry I didn’t get what you mean by " everything to show up on the front end automatically".

What I mean is if I have configured the “configuration.yaml” file then the switches and sensors buttons or tabs should show up on the home assistant or not?

Is it required that those mqtt devices should be connected in the network?

Because if it is not required then something is wrong with my setup as nothing is shown up on the home assistant.

Thanks in advance.

That’s exactly what I asked, if you thought EVERYTHING you configured should just show up on the front end. Manually configured items need to be added to the front end. Now would be a good time for you to learn lovelace.

No, as I already stated. It is not required.

Because you have not configured anything to show up on the front end…

Can you please tell me what else I need?
I can give you complete configuration.yaml file contents tomorrow as I can’t send it right now.

I’m pretty sure that all items will show up on the frontend unless there is a “default_view” defined.

So the question then is does the OP have a “default_view” defined in the groups section of their config?