I have a home assistant yellow with built in zigbee and an internal z-wave card installed. I have a number of different devices but for the most part I’m worried about getting zigbee and zwave devices back online since a number of rooms won’t have working lights if home assistant is off.
I can get HAOS up and running easily enough in windows, and I can restore from my google drive backups. But what else is going to be needed?
I assume I can buy a zigbee and a zwave USB stick and have them on hand and ready to use. But am I going to have to re-pair every single device i have (like 30+ lights and 30+ switches) in order to get them working again? Or is there a way to have the restore get everything working quickly in the windows HAOS instance?
Is there a more efficient solution I should have ready in case HA Yellow ever dies?
So the problem is I can’t move the sticks, zigbee is built into the HA Yellow board so if it dies for some reason there won’t be a backup. And the zwave chip is one of those internal antennas you plug right into the HA Yellow board. That’s why I’ll have to have spare USB zigbee/zwave sticks at the ready. But I can’t tell if I can restore to these new sticks without the entire network having to be re-paired.
Neither of those sound sustainable to me and why I never choose builtin for those kind of things…
Both ZWave and Zigbee CAN be migrated to new ‘sticks’ if you have a working configuration. So considering you have said configuration now and are considering what happens if…
(I’d take the op to migrate to discreet sticks or network connected devices, personally I have a single usb2 hub with my Bluetooth zigbee and ZWave on one hub and plug that into whatever is running ha. Then migration or restore is. That simple.)
Yeah when I built the device having everything be in a nice little package seemed like the way to go, but now that I understand the pitfalls I agree having an external USB for zigbee/zwave would be better. I guess i’ll have to look into how to restore to a different zigbee/zwave controller.
I didn’t know there were good options for a combined zigbee/zwave usb dongle, which do you use?
There is not. I do not use a single controller and don’t recommend it. Same caveat. I have them all on one hub then plug in that single hub. If you address the device by id then it is literally that easy to move them