What is the best way to achieve this? I have 3 rooms, each with one temperature sensor and thermostat (practically a relay on an ESPHome device). I want to control which temperature sensor dictates the set temperature for the thermostat.
So I created 3 input booleans to represent the 3 rooms which I will have in a horizontal stack in Lovelace:
Whaaat? I am stuck with just one sensor? But maybe I can create a sensor that takes its values from another sensor. So in my case, from one sensor and then from another. What do you say?
I see. Thank you, Tom! I will try it out.
I will see if I can apply the same logic for the first part. The one where when I select one input boolean, it gets turned on and the other two get turned off. For now I can select two or all and that’s not good.
Hi , Tom. The code you wrote does wonders. Too bad templating is so hard to learn.
I actually did try to use input selector before but I didn’t like the dropdown option. I wanted to have all the 3 options clearly visible. But I guess I will leave it as it is.