I’m trying to configure a message notification based on a state. I have the trigger setup and working, but stuck on the messaging. Is this even possible? I would be grateful for any help. I’m trying to say:
IF {{ states.sensor.dryer.attributes.remain_time }} > 00:01 THEN
message: The washing machine reports your clothes are clean. The dryer has {{ states.sensor.dryer.attributes.remain_time }} remaining
message: The washing machine reports your clothes are clean
service: tts.aaa_google_cloud_say
entity_id: media_player.dining_room_display
message: The washing machine reports your clothes are clean
service: tts.aaa_google_cloud_say
entity_id: media_player.dining_room_display
message: >-
{% if state_attr('sensor.dryer','remain_time') != '00:00' %}
The washing machine reports your clothes are clean. The dryer has {{ states.sensor.dryer.attributes.remain_time }} remaining
{% else %}
The washing machine reports your clothes are clean
{% endif %}