If/Then Statement for Entity in Lovelace (frontend)

Without getting into templates, how can I check the value of a specific entity in custom YAML for a dashboard. Specifically, something like this -

if (state('media_player.stereo_denon_zone2') == 'playing' )
                return ``

The code above clearly doesn’t work.

I think you mean

if (states('media_player.stereo_denon_zone2') == 'playing' )
                return ``

Note the missing S.

Or better still

if (is_state('media_player.stereo_denon_zone2') , 'playing' ))
                return ``

So I got the code to work with the following:

          volume: |
              if (states['media_player.stereo_denon_zone2'].state == 'off')
                return ``
              if (states['media_player.stereo_denon_main_zone'].state != 'off') 
                return `<ha-icon
                style="width: 18px; height: 17px; color: deepskyblue;">
                </ha-icon><span> &nbsp; Volume: &nbsp;<span style="color: var(--text-color-sensor);">${Math.round((states['media_player.stereo_denon_zone2'].attributes.volume_level)*100)}</span></span>`
            if (states['media_player.stereo_denon_zone2'].state != 'off') 
                return `<ha-icon
                style="width: 18px; height: 17px; color: deepskyblue;">
                </ha-icon><span> &nbsp; Volume: &nbsp;<span style="color: var(--text-color-sensor);">${Math.round((states['media_player.stereo_denon_zone2'].attributes.volume_level)*100)}</span></span>`
            if (states['media_player.stereo_denon_zone3'].state != 'off') 
                return `<ha-icon
                style="width: 18px; height: 17px; color: deepskyblue;">
                </ha-icon><span> &nbsp; Volume: &nbsp;<span style="color: var(--text-color-sensor);">${Math.round((states['media_player.stereo_denon_zone2'].attributes.volume_level)*100)}</span></span>`

Is there any way to consolidate the three if statements into one?