If your frontend looks weird today

I think I am always expecting smth on April 1.
Also, I knew about this issue )))

I thought it was pretty hilarious :stuck_out_tongue:
Went onto my phone and “aaaahh… april fools”

It’s only for one day of the year and far out we all need some excitement in our lives sometimes.


Get a grip mate.

I have never used card-mod, but this humour makes me wish I had.


Pretty funny and lighthearted, at a time we all need something to make us smirk!


Although I now need to cancel an appointment with my optometrist… and my psychologist… and cancel my new phone order


I was having a stroke when I saw an earthquake passed along my instance… :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:.

Did love the joke in the end though…nice one… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Have a gr8 month…

This caused our iPad used as central UI to run very hot because of the scrollbars showing and not showing all the time (we leave it on the dashboard all the time).
2022-04-01_07-02-40 (1)
I don’t mind April fool things, but I don’t encourage them everywhere and the should be possible to turn off…

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Wait, this was an idea of a JOKE?
Seriously? You took it upon yourself to prank users of a software that in some instances run their homes, security, utilities etc. something that they have to have some measure of trust in, for your own personal enjoyment?
I decided to to some work on the system today, playing around with it, I thought I broke something. I wasted HOURS of my day trying to figure it out. I did not think to check to see if somebody wanted to get their jollies off. I tried to make levity of it in another post before realizing it was a prank.
In a development version or beta maybe, not the release. In afterthought, bro, this is kind of inexcusable.
Somebody take his keyboard away . . . no better yet, your banished to running PC-DOS on an IBM PCjr with a 2400 baud dialup with no light pen for 90 days . . . on AOL


I thought it fairly harmless, if anything it was maybe too subtle!

You put a heap of effort into software that is used by all. If people are that worked up over it maybe they should become contributors, reviewing code and testing!


Thomas, you rock.
Love the joke, and the message it sends. one of the best around!


I’ve seen this happen without the card-mod joke. Not sure it is the cause.

Get a grip.


I thought it was funny. Made me smile when I opened up Home Assistant this morning.

For those who are angry - it’s April 1st. You’re just annoyed at yourself that you didn’t realise the date sooner. Most tech companies play little pranks. Thomas was just bringing a little joy to HA.

Thank you Thomas for all the work you do for this community. Keep it up!


Haven’t happened during the year we have been using it so it may be a coincident it happened today. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Not only did you think it was a funny to mess with others, you also thought you are entitled to make a statement in the update, downtalking your end users.
Your ‘joke’ was at most meh, but you lost me on your statement. I’ll be removing your stuff from my HA instance and urge others to do the same, just to show how you managed to fuck up the covering of your fuck up.


had a Koffie too much today did you?
please settle down and apologize to this fine community…

never post anything and then this?


Did you read his statement in the repo?

I woke up early and thought it was my eyes…nothing really disturbing.
On the french HA community there was a reference of being sensitive to Trojan’s :racehorse:

You are not wrong in what you said, but you also cannot imagine how bad things could have been if there had been malicious intent.