If your frontend looks weird today

If your dashboard looks a bit wonky today

Update card-mod.
I’m sorry. I thought it seemed like an innocent and fun idea, and I was wrong.
/ Thomas Lovén

(If problems persist, it could be other plugins that include card-mod, like minimalist-ui)


I wait until midnight here, to click on the “update” button then :grin:
PS: thou i haven’t noticed any changes, other than those i tried to “compose” my self :slight_smile:

It may be worth it.

I’m sure it will, all good “candies” comes from you
PS: i noticed 1 of my cards “Tilted” :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I can see both sides here. Given it didn’t affect me (In the US here) I think it’s pretty funny and love the humor - but also agree if it’s causing people grief, maybe less than ideal. Regardless - love that you’re keeping HA ‘fun’ and love also all your contributions. Thx for all the hard / great work @thomasloven!

Reminds me of “back in days” at the IT-University i worked, on all PC’s in the “technicians classrooms” ( with NT 3.5 ) i threw up a Fullscreen html(no mouseclick) with a “Bluescreen” pic … when they locked in one morning :joy:


It’s not April yet here, but even if it were, I’m always on board with a harmless April Fools joke.

Will I get to see this tomorrow (UTC -5), or will it be gone by then?

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If you don’t update to 3.1.4 you’ll get to see it.

There seems to be some performance issues I did not foresee. I’m doubly sorry about that.

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I thought it was clever (though am not encouraging it). Didn’t notice any performance issues. Also a timely reminder that things like this and worse happen:

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Any way to let the rest of us who aren’t “in the know” in on the “joke”?

Crooked custom cards.

I could load up the old version and take a screen shot but it basically put a small random rotation on everything to make it look “wonky”.

Yeah, I just read the new thread where someone posted a screenshot right after I posted that.

That was kind of funny…but I can see why people might be miffed too.

definitely a “long-con” on that one.

Irony is that the recently implemented code-signing feature cannot trap this kind of gag (i.e. via custom cards).

If nothing else, it served to demonstrate how quickly and transparently one can distribute code to a large number of users …


The fallout of this is not going to be good. I feel sorry for all involved and all who experienced issues and waisted time troubleshooting, like myself.

regarding the war

Btw, I am not sure that these methods are good for people in Russia to change their minds. Most of “believers” are hopeless (even if they PCs). I live in Russia, btw.
I was not going to start any discussion about the war here; if anyone wants to discuss - I am open for it via PM or in a “Social” section of the community. With a potential risk to be jailed in my country.


No. They are most definitely not. It was a totally misguided and inappropriate action that actually harmed a relief organisation.

There’s a thread in the Home Assistant Off-topic Discord channel if you would like to discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Lets not sidetrack this topic.


This is how I saw it. As soon as I opened my HA this morning and saw it go wonky I knew it was an April fools thing.

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