"iframe" card appears to be broken

I don’t know whether this is a “feature request”. Perhaps it’s more like “It’s broken. You really ought to fix it.”

Up until recently, an “iframe” on my HA home page displayed local weather conditions, thanks to a Raspberry PI connected to a Bosch BME280. Every two minutes, the Pi creates a new web page, which is symlinked to a web server’s home page. The result looked like this.


Then I fell down the DDNS rabbit hole a few days ago. Now I can turn lights on and off while miles from home, but my local conditions vanished.

OK, that made some kind of sense. (I’m an aborigine where stuff like this is concerned.) I devised an alternative approach, involving an SMB share on the HA server, with the Pi using libcurl to move the web page to the share. Push instead of pull, right? What could go wrong? This.

That’s when I started peering at source code after running “git clone GitHub - home-assistant/frontend: 🍭 Frontend for Home Assistant”. The problem appears to be contained in “/frontend/src/panels/iframe/ha-panel-iframe.ts”. I believe this is Javascript. (What the “.ts” extrension means is a mystery. Remember, aborigine.) Whatever language it is, the module is remarkably badly structured. A subroutine called “render” looks at the URL’s prefix, and if it isn’t “https:”, it doesn’t render, it just gives up. That’s absurd.

Actually, I’m simply searching for an approach that works. Ideas, anyone?


The usual way aroud thi is to use a revese proxy.

Instead of exploring basecode, you can find out more about how iframes work. Anyway, now you have remote access via https, so url webpage for iframe must also use some certificates.

I don’t know how your webserver works, but I think you will set up ddns for it as well

You need ingress integration which will avoid cros problem.