Iframe panel - htaccess password

Hi all

Need to find out if any of you have similar set up and can share your config file.

I have the new hassbian image on the pi3, on the same pi I have also installed NGINX to make this pi as a reverse proxy server as well. I am at the point where I can access all my services through reverse proxy.

I thought, hey why use another app like HTPC Manager or Muximux as a portal to server these services. I have been using HASS iframe and they work great for local address such as As soon as I changed the link and point them to reversed proxy link for example hass.com/sonarr, it display blank page. I suspected it has something to do with the htaccess password being implemented on my proxy server.

Is there any way to get around it? I tried the simple auth by for example https://username:[email protected]/sonarr. this also doesnt work.

let me know
