I am new to Home Assistant and just got my system up and running. I have some basic items up and running like weather, some traffic cams and Sonos.
The next thing I am trying to add is an iframe so I can show a web page with my personal weather station dashboard as well as a couple of other web pages. I found the iframe component and tried adding it, but it doesn’t work. I’m so new that I don’t know if I need to put it somewhere specific within the configuration.yaml. I am basically adding this with no results:
you should you same protocol for iframe like for the “main” site - if you are connection to HA using http - then you should user http also for iframe pages.
Thanks. I have only been connecting to Home Assistant through my local network so far. If I set up remote access via a secured connection, will that resolve the issue, or do I still need to do something to secure the local connection so I can connect to secured sites via iframe?
Again - for HA and iframe you should use same protocol - even HTTP or HTTPS. If have to device. One option (that I’m using for my setup) - is to use the reverse proxy - in this case you can have https connection ot the web server (apache or ngix are the best options most probably) and then to use “normal” http to weather station and HA.
This is what I wrote also. the way to make a workaround is - to use a reverse proxy using HTTPS and this proxy to redirect to “internal” http… In this case HA and weather station should use HTTP.
For me it’s easyer to mange SSL certificates only on Reverse proxy instead on all internal web services.