IFTT not interacting with HA issue [TTS] (Google Home intercom with IFTT)

Hello everyone! Thank you for your time with my issue. I am currently using this method to create an intercom system:

IFTT is able to receive the message from google assistant since the trigger is working; however, Home Assistant is unable to receive the command. If I were to manually call the service using /dev-service, it works completely fine.

I have been told cURL might help, but no one has been able to tell me what command would point me in the right direction.

The Home Assistant url is externally accessible.
TTS through manual text input works fine.

IFTTT layout: [Make a web request]
URL: http://xxx.xxx.x.xxx:8123/api/services/tts/google_say
Method: POST
Content type: application/json
Body: {“entity_id”:“media_player.living_room_tv”,“message”:" {{TextField}}"}

Looking forward to your help!