Hi to all.
I did integrated IFTTT in HA, but, if ever need, how can I re-get the URL to POST? Where is it written?
Another thing. I would unset the alarm, via IFTTT. My alarm integration is the basic “alarm_control_panel”, with a code required to disarm. Is it possible to POST the code via IFTTT?
Currently, my automation is the basic found here: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/ifttt/ and the body of the acion in IFTTT is
{ "action": "call_service", "service": "alarm_control_panel.alarm_arm_away", "entity_id": "alarm_control_panel.antifurto" }
Thank you!
I know that I could retrieve from another integration from my IFTTT area, but… In the case I havent’ any integration? Is there a place where can I retrieve the URL to POST from my HA installation?
And, any idea for my second question? Thank you!
OK, for the 2nd part of my question, I did found myself a solution.
The automation need to be changed in
- id: IFTT_20190923184700
alias: IFTTT
initial_state: true
platform: event
event_type: ifttt_webhook_received
action: call_service
service_template: '{{ trigger.event.data.service }}'
entity_id: '{{ trigger.event.data.entity_id }}'
code: '{{ trigger.event.data.code }}'
And the IFTTT request body
{ "action": "call_service", "service": "alarm_control_panel.alarm_disarm", "entity_id": "alarm_control_panel.alarm", "code":"123456"}
Remain my first issue. For the moment I have saved my HA url for IFTTT, that is
But where I could retrieve it a day? Or… where is stored?
Hi, have the same problem, finally I deleted the integration and create again. I think the api should be the same.
Thanks for your code, I have some issues with mine, think your example helps me.