IFTTT Maker.io with HTTP password

So I was able to successfully post to Home Assistant using IFTTT maker.io using key generated by maker.io in IFTTT.

key: key_from_IFTTT

I am able to succesfully send POST commands from IFTTT using http://xxxxxxxxx:8123/api/services/switch/turn_on?api_password=key_from_IFTTT

Then I secured my Home Assistant by HTTP password using

api_password: http_pwd

Now I am unable to send http://xxxxxxxxx:8123/api/services/switch/turn_on?api_password=key_from_IFTTT

I get a reply as “401: Unauthorized”. I am guessing HTTP password is interfering with this? Any solutions or workarounds is greatly appreciated.

I haven’t played with this yet but I believe the api_password is actually your HA password and not the key from IFTTT.