IFTTT replacement?

For anyone interested, Google has launched a new Device Access API that one can request access to for personal projects like the Nest thermostat automation.
It’s not as easy as IFTTT, but is really useful.

I think you’re still off the mark and should “quit while you’re ahead”

There’s no comparing a feat of human civilization with a business decision on a closed source product.
It’s entirely up to Google what Google does with Google products and Google services.

Not complicated or confusing at all.

I’ve noticed a company named Notifuse. They are pretty early in development and it’s been a while since I’ve checked on the state of it, so I don’t remember if it’s a viable replacement. But if anyone who has a tad more time than me could check it out, it might be worth a shot.

Interesting to read all the input on this! Have the same problem with IFTTT becoming a paying service. Installed HA last week on my raspi, but the integration with Google Home is still a bit blurry for me, did not get is up and running yet. And with the cloud component on HA being a paying service as well, the way for me to go for the moment is a paying IFTTT subscription that I hope to use with webhooks to initiate actions on my HA system. But haven’t figured all of that out yet.
Is this the right way to go?

I’m paying the subscription for the moment, partly to see whether the new features are useful. Also, by subscribing now it looks as if you can get a cheapper rate. You can always cancel.

I’m not aiming this at anyone in particular - so take it in that spirit.

But - if it’s that important for someone to have all the features/integrations IFTTT brings to the table, it’s $1.99 a month for a lifetime subscription right now to sign up for the paid level. You can enter in your own price when you sign up, and that’s the minimum.
I’m sure one hour of your time is worth more than the yearly fee - and if you have something that works right now and are looking at ripping it out, I can GUARANTEE it’ll be more than an hour to get it working just as you like it.
Heck, I’m taking @Stiltjack 's lead and just signing up in case I might need to use it for something in the future.

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The primary feature I use is “Add X to the list” and then it updates a Google Sheet.

If anyone knows of a way to do that in hass/nabu-casa or node-red, I’d be happy to switch.

You can do all of this without IFTTT

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Very simplified flow of having a HTTP input (via POST) to gSheets and sends a 200 response. This can be expanded way beyond what IFTTT can do (in the free version, at least):


Apologies, I didn’t specify that I use the Google Home to do to, so that it’ll accept variable input by voice.

So, “Add bananas to the list” or “Add motor oil to the list” for instance and then having it say "Bananas added to the shopping list. It’s a little thing, but having GH add it and then repeat back that it added that specific thing to the list has been a godsend in our house.

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Ahhh, no problem. I actually do that as well, but I just let it go into Keep and then use the voice command “Hey Google, show me my shopping list” when I need to see it. My wife and I both share the same list in Keep.

What’s neat is that there is an “unofficial” API for Keep (written in python) (https://github.com/kiwiz/gkeepapi) that allows for one to poll for changes to notes and lists and allows one to do some cool things in HA using that data.

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Google Keep is an official component for GA, you don’t need HA at all, in Google assistant home app, just setup Google keep as your provider

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