You don’t need IFTTT if your DHT11 already has a temperature and humidity sensor in Home Assistant. Just expose the two sensors as climate to the google assistant component and they will report the states. This was released in 0.62
What errors are you getting? Do the sensors get exposed to google assistant? Have you sync google assistant to see the sensors?
The way your configuration has been setup, it will require you to say ‘Hey google, what is the temperature in temp?’ or ‘Hey google, what is the temperature in the temp room?’
If I ask Google Assistant to do a search, I can not find the sensor to configure the temperature to be configured among the configurable devices in Google Assistant
Doesn’t seem like they are getting exposed then. Are you exposing everything by default or do u have it set to false and require expose: true on each entity? Other problem could be that you haven’t synced/unlinked and relinked your google assistant with your [test] to show them.
As far as I remember the implementation the “%” is used to interpret the sensor as a humidity instead of a temperature sensor. Unfortunately I’m out of humidity sensor right now to test it myself. I’m currently using the temperature functionality only.