IFTTT, URL, and Body

Hello, Sorry if I have a stupid question, but I am reading blogs and watching tutorials, but cannot figure out where can I get URL and Body when I configure IFTTT Maker’s applet. I plan to have more services, not just light on/off. For example, the blog shows to use:
URL http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8123/api/services/light/turn_on?api_password=xxxxxxxx
CONTENT TYPE application/json
BODY { “entity_id”: “light.kitchen” }

But how do I know that I have to use that specific URL (services/light/turn_on) and that Body (“entity_id”: “light.kitchen”)? Where can I find this information when I configure Home Assistant. Just point me to the right direction, please.

I am very excited and want to start configuring, but I do not understand what will I have to do.

Thank you.

You can find the applicable services in the dev services panel on the left:

So if you are going to try to create a IFTTT applet to control a light, you’d pick the Light domain from the top drop down, then the Service drop down below it will show the available services for that domain.

The URL will than be:


When you select the service in the service panel, a list of examples will appear below it (in most cases) which will show you the available options to create the JSON for your IFTTT body. Typically, it will be the entity_id of what you want to control, followed by the options.

Does this help at all?

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Got it, thank you very much!!

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