IFTTT webhook ID not displaying in HassOS

Everything I read says that the IFTTT webhook id should be displayed when setting up the integration, however I never see it, and can’t figure out where to find it.

When I go to the integrations page and click on the + in the lower right corner, I then choose IFTTT. After I do that, I get a blank white popup box with an X in the upper right, and a submit button in the lower right. No other text. Clicking submit gives a box that says “Success! Created configuration for IFTTT webhook” with an X in the upper right, and a Finish button in the lower right. After that, the integration shows in the integration list as “IFTTT Webhook”. Clicking on that integration shows a screen stating “this integration has no devices”, clicking on the System options button gives me the ability to enable newly added entities, and nothing else.

Nowhere during this process am I given a webhook ID, nor have I discovered anywhere to look it up.


Are you using a custom theme? That white popup box is where it should appear, I wonder if you’re theme is putting white text on a white box?