IFTTT withings - cant get it to work

Hi community

I recently bought a Withings Sleep Analyzer which should detect if I am in the bed or not. I did a lot of research and noticed that the Withings integration is not working very well/reliable and IFTTT should be considered. I tried to set up things like here:Withings sleep help - #4 by wills106

what I have done so far:

  • configured the Sleep analyzer via the Health mate app
  • installed IFTTT-integration in HA
  • created an applet
  • created an input.boolean which should be triggered via IFTTT

the issue
unfortunately the input-boolean does not get turned on if the mat recognizes that I am in bed. I can confirm that the sensor is working as the log in IFTTT ran a couple of times (testwise).

this is how the applet looks like:

In the URL-section I copied the nabu-casa URL (I use the cloud) which has been generated when I installed the IFTTT-integration. I also copied the key from IFTTT (Get Started - IFTTT) and pasted it in my config.yaml.

  key: XXX

I would be glad to get some help and may help others which encounter the same issue. I spent hours of research but could not find a solution/reason why it doesnt work as supposed.

Kind regards


I finally found the solution. you have to create an automation within Home Assistant which ensures that HA listens to the IFTTT-events. here is the code:

- id: webhook
  alias: 'Webhook Recieved'
  initial_state: 'true'
    platform: event
    event_type: ifttt_webhook_received
      action: call_service
    service_template: '{{ trigger.event.data.service }}'
      entity_id: '{{ trigger.event.data.entity_id }}'

hope this helps everyone who ran into the same problem as I did :wink: