I am trying to have Home Assistant ignore all of the sensors coming from the ISY994. They are all climate sensors, from the climate module, which i have disabled in the ISY, but for some reason Home Assistant is picking them up. I know how to hide them in HA, but I assume it would be better to have HA ignore them all together.
Well I would check for you, but I’ve run across the issue where HA says my isy config is invalid even though all I did was restart.
So if you don’t mind me asking why do you even have the isy component if you want to ignore all of the sensors you have?
I need to use the ISY component because I have 15 insteon dimmer switches, and trying to sort through insteonplm documentation only confused me. The sensors Im trying to ignore are all from the ISY’s climate module, which I have disabled on the ISY, but for some reason, HA is picking them up and they all display a value of 0.
I have some insteon motion sensors that i would like to not ignore, but they show up as binary_sensor so im hoping i can find a way to have HA only ignore the climate sensors
Can anyone verify how this is supposed to work? As mentioned above, the below does not seem to have any effect (which is to ignore everything in the ISY folder named “unused”.
username: myusername
password: mypasswd
# This stuff shouldn't be visible in HA?
ignore_string: "unused"
It would be wonderful if documentation had actual yaml EXAMPLES so we didn’t have to guess at this stuff!!
In this case it’s even wrong. The docs don’t show a “:” after ignore_string. HA can be frustrating with lack of documentation standards.