I use over a dozen IKEA bulbs throughout my house with 1 - 4 per room. Each room has a IKEA on/off switch that controls all the lights. These are directly bound using ZHA’s manage clusters.
However at the rate of about 1/ week one bulb will stop responding to the bound switch.
To fix I have to:
The fix I have worked out is to
- Reconfigure the offending bulb, until the re-configuration is fully successful (all green), may take more than one go
- Go to the switch IRL and in HA. Unbind it from the offending bulb (I usually click the unbind button repeatedly whilst activating the switch to keep it awake)
- Now bind the switch to the offending bulbs using a similar technique as above.
Github issue tracking: IKEA bulbs and their switches occasionally lose bindings · Issue #77850 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
Starting a community issue in case others have similar issues.