IKEA E1743 TRADFRI ON/OFF switch leaves network after switch from CC2531 to SkyConnect

Hello. I was using CC2531 adapter before I switched to SkyConnect from Home Assistant. All devices work fine except the IKEA E1743 TRADFRI ON/OFF switch.

These devices regularly leave the network. As a workaround, I am now running two instances of zigbee2mqtt, each with a different adapter and channel set. It works fine, but it’s not an optimal solution because they have to interfere with each other.

I have updated everything to the latest stable firmware, but the problem still persists.

  • Zigbee2MQTT: 1.30.1 commit: eb878d3
  • Coordinator: EZSP v9, build 389
  • TRÅDFRI on/off switch: 2.3.079 / {“installed_version”:587699761,“latest_version”:587699761}

Zigbee2MQTT version


Adapter firmware version build 389


Home Assistant SkyConnect

Debug log


Has someone similar problem with HA SkyConnect?

Try as I might, I couldn’t get a one button TRÅDFRI remote to pair with a Yellow (same SilLabs Zigbee coordinator) but that was with ZHA, not Z2M.

Other IKEA battery devices don’t pair remotely via routers, and must be paired directly with the coordinator (against usual advice). There are bodges to get Zigbee to recalculate the mesh once working (turn the coordinator OFF for >60 minutes).

I have seen reports of people switching to SilLabs radios and seeing the very well documented IKEA battery drain issue, but not quite the same issue as you describe (check for new firmware):

I don’t have a one or two button remote so can’t advise on the latest firmware - only that several others have recently been updated (check my GitHub issue and fix).

If this helps, :heart: this post!