I added an esp8266-01 module to the (old) ENEBY 30 bluetooth speaker. The Esp is powered directly through the internal 3.3v and GND available on the ENEBY volume control. GPIO2 is connected to the POWER_KEY and GPIO3 to the BT_LED test pin.
With this setup i can turn the speaker on/off, however I have not found the correct setup to combine the state of the binary sensor (power identification LED) and the switch. In the future I would like to
control the volume remotely through the VOL- and + test pads.
Can somebody suggest a method to set the state of the switch by the binary sensor value? And perhaps come up with a solution where I can simulate the rotary encoder through GPIO 0 and 1?
Just used your code to control volume.
There are 2 switches, one for volume up and another for volume down.
The only thing is that actually I’m trying to control binary sensor to know if is on or off the speaker
Actually, with esp8266 connected to the eneby, I can’t power it on/off or turn volume up/down without home assistant (It seems that esp8266 disconnects eneby buttons).
Anyone knows how to solve that?