I am getting this error:
Failed to perform the action cover/close_cover. not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[‘entity_id’]
As far as I know, I have not changed anything other than minor updates in HA and Z2M. I cannot seem to get the blinds to react to UI presses or via my blueprint/automation using a remote. I get the above error message as a toast when I try the group I made to group my two blinds together.
UPDATE: Z2M UI said they were at 90% battery. Apparently not? I charged them and now they seem to be working. Maybe plugging them in to charge “woke them up” ? Anyway, after being resuscitated, it appeared that many ZigBee commands were all sent queued and stuttered, so the blinds went down and up randomly for two minutes. Very odd. I’m going to pretend none of this happened.