IKEA Inspelning weird power values?

I just plugged in a new IKEA Inspelning plug using Nabu Casa SkyConnect v1.0, I’m not using Dirigera.

I’m new to home assistant.

It shows values like this:


  • Current 0.3 A
  • Power 39.3 W
  • Summation delivered 0.25 kWh
  • Voltage 22.7 V

First, the voltage, I assume should be 227 V, can I adjust this somehow?
Second, current * voltage should be power. So power and/or current is not correct?

The voltage must be a bug, should be simple for the developers to fix. I assume you’re using Zigbee Home Automation (aka ZHA) in Home Assistant?
Until then, you can make a template sensor that takes the voltage and multiplies it with 10, creating a new sensor with the correct value. Assuming 227V is correct. But also, I’m curious, what would you need to know the voltage for?

Can you as test connect something that draws a known amount of power? A 1000W space heater for example. And then report back the current and power :slight_smile:

I want to have multiple Inspelning, so I love that you are this early and reporting issues and findings!

Hello everyone,

This is my first post here in the forum, and I’m glad this community exists.

I have integrated several of these IKEA Inspelning Plugs via HomeKit, just like my other IKEA hardware. The plug is identified as a “normal plug” in Home Assistant, but there is no access to the power data.

The plugs are operated via the Dirigera Hub. Data is available in the IKEA “Home Smart” app. The plugs have firmware version 2.4.45 (current); the hub has firmware version 2.615.8.

Will this function be added or enabled at some point?


@jsvedberg , have you tried updating the firmware? According to this that should fix the issue:

I had the same problem, updated the firmware with ZHA OTA to 0x02040045 and this fixed the issue. It displays the correct voltage now

Any other feedback regarding the plug? I’m considering buying a few of them when they become available in my country.

Hi, thanks for your reply. I just tested with a toaster rated at 1250W, the reported values was then 3.8A and 841W. These values at least correlates better assuming 226V, 3.8 x 226 = 858. I currently jus hav one metering device and can not compare with other meters. :disappointed_relieved:

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Thanks for the link.
One thing to add is that is a bit bulky, limiting the space in the socket for other plugs.

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Has anyone tested if the matter Integration with dirigera hub provides the power data?

My INSPELNING (brand new) says Firmware = 0x02040034 and it says this is the latest. No mentioning of a 0x02040045 as you say. (I’m on ZHA running HA 2024.10.0)

I’m using ZHA. My INSPELNING plug shows the power and current well. With a 100 W bulb it shows 98.9 W and 0.4 A.
The voltage shows 22.9. That’s about 10 times too low.

The most recent firmware for Inspelning fixes the voltage bug.
The erroneous power reading for values > 1000W however is not fixed.

You can download the firmware if your Zigbee coordinator supports that in ZHA (mine does) or you use the Ikea coordinator.

I made a template sensor as a temporary fix to the power reading error:

{% set pwr = states('sensor.ikea_inspelning_1_voltage')|float * states('sensor.ikea_inspelning_1_current')|float|round(2) %} 
{% set ver = states('sensor.ikea_inspelning_1_power')|float %} 
{{ ver if ver>pwr else ver if pwr<1000 else min(ver*10, pwr) }}

I had the same situation. After adding this code to Configuration.yaml (and waited 4 hours), it detected the new firmware and prompted to be installed.

      ikea_provider: true

I’ve bought 3 today, I’ll see if I can update the firmware with zha

I tried your suggestion and got the following error in the log:

the `ikea_provider` key is deprecated, migrate your configuration to the `extra_providers` list instead: `extra_providers: [{'type': 'ikea'}]`

Online I found that it now has to be changed to:

      extra_providers: [{'type': 'ikea'}]

So, I’ve done this, but so far - nothing happens. I guess I may have to wait a bit longer.
[Edit] After a while, all my IKEA devices reported available updates, and the updates went just fine :blush:

I have the same problem with the voltage value but also the number of watts is 10x lower. Running my devices in ZHA.
Where can I find the configuration.yaml for the INSPELNING device to force a firmware update?

I am using a Conbee II stick as coordinator, the firmware version is displayed as unknown. The same for my other IKEA devices I have.
Do I need to configure the Conbee stick or does itt not support Firmware OTA?

I added the code to my yaml last night before bed, this morning all 3 were asking for an update, all 3 updated without any issues.

This is how mine looks

Hi Paul,
Can you explain where I need to add the yaml code to get the firmware updated? Need some guidance here, appreciate your feedback :slight_smile:
I use a Conbee 2 as coordinator, so guess Sonoff must be changed to Conbee.

You don’t need to add the sonoff_provider: true just remove it. I don’t use Conbee so I’m not sure on the update procedure

Hi, does the INSPELNING smart plug also have a router function?
I have a TRETAKT smart plug and it has the router function, but I couldn’t find it with INSPELNING.

When entering the ikea_provider: true text, I got an error saying this is an invalid entry ( using Visual Code server as editer) same as Viking experienced.
So I changed this to this:

Restarted Home Assistant and now update messages are coming in including the INSPELNING update. Did the update and now the voltage and power is correctly displayed. Firmware version is showed as 0045.

To update IKEA buttons like the Styrbar and Rodret, make sure they are not in the sleep mode. Pressing a button a few times and directly do the installation will start the update process.