Ikea motion sensor burns batteries?

Hey Everyone,

I recently set up an Ikea motion sensor through ZHA. It had been sitting in a drawer for a while and the batteries were low. I have swapped them out, but the new batteries have drained quickly.

What’s up with that? Why would they drain so quickly?

Thanks for the help!

Try to upgrade the firmware.

ZHA says the firmware is up to date. Is there a better way to check?

Which (the act of upgrading) often likes to drain the batteries even more rapidly!

True, the upgrade process drains them fast, but after the upgrade they work fine. I do more then 1 year with a set of batteries on them, and they are in busy areas.

Ok, I’ve upgraded the firmware by removing the sensor from ZHA, adding it to the Ikea ecosystem to update successfully, and then paring it back to ZHA. The reported firmware went from this:


…to this:


However, now it reports the batter as 100% but it does not detect motion. What can I do now?

So I again deleted the sensor from Home Assistant, re-added it, and it detects motion once more. But now the firmware says this:


The 24.4.5 firmware was released on 2022-10-21. Where is ZHA getting the “latest version” information?

That should conserve plenty of battery!