IKEA Parasoll/Vallhorn devices not working (ZHA)

Hello everyone,

I’ve just picked up a bunch of Parasoll sensors along with the Vallhorn motion sensors and have attempted to add this to HA using ZHA (I’ve got around 14 Zigbee devices already on the network).

Problem is I get stuck at ‘Interview Complete - Configuring’ with one of two results;

1: The device is “succesfully” configured but when viewing the attributes they’re “unknown” OR whatever the state was at the point of pairing.

2: The configuration stalls, nothing else happens but the device is added (sometimes with attributes as above OR with no attributes and no option to reconfigure).

I’d have assumed this was due to the devices being new however I’ve seen a few other posts here where the devices have been succesfully added via ZHA without any issue.


Sonoff Zigbee (CC2652)
HAOS 11.3
Core: 2024.1.2

Any help would be appreciated


Very similar symptoms to what I had recently

Just thought I’d post an update to this for anyone who also comes across this same issue.

I gave up, migrated from ZHA to Z2M and everything worked instantly without issue, I’m sorry it’s not a resolution but I’m assuming this is just not fully supported on ZHA at present.

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You might need a ZHA Device Handler (also known as “quirk” for ZHA), but it might also just be that you are having EMF interference or not enough Zigbee Router devices in your Zigbee network, so before you do any deeper troubleshooting (as in digging through debug logs) be sure that you are first following these best pracise tips → Zigbee networks: how to guide for avoiding interference and optimize for getting better range + coverage

After you done that then try re-pairing/re-joining the device again to re-interview it.

Note! That best practices applies regardless if using ZHA integration or Zigbee2MQTT.

The same is also more or less covered in less detail in these three ZHA docs sections:

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I’m having exactly the same problem.

The Parasoll is found in the ZHA integration screens but shows no entities. In the logs I get the following message in the HA core logs each time I activate the parasoll by moving the magnet near it:

Logger: zigpy.application
Source: runner.py:188
First occurred: 12:35:16 (28 occurrences)
Last logged: 12:59:39
Unknown device AddrModeAddress(addr_mode=<AddrMode.NWK: 2>, address=0xB1FC)

I note there are these “quirks” but can’t find anything for this device. I have no idea how to go about making one or requesting one.

Since I am a newbie to zigbee and this is my first device I don’t really know where to go from here.

Does anyone have any advice please?

Answering my own question:
It seems I have bought an older version of the Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Dongle Plus. I have the -p version. It has old firmware preinstalled and after upgrading to CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20230507 the Ikea parasoll door sensors work perfectly

Update: Not true. I was mistaken. See below

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Yes it is recommended to upgrade firmware regardless of which adapter/model you have.

As above, very likely that you are simply having EMF/EMI/RMI interference issues with the Zigbee Coordinator and/or Zigbee Router, or might also be that you do not Zigbee Router devices within close range in your Zigbee network, so before you do any deeper troubleshooting (as in digging through debug logs) be sure that you are first following these best practise tips → Zigbee networks: how to guide for avoiding interference and optimize for getting better range + coverage

At the very least make sure both use a long USB extension cable to a USB 2.0 port or USB 2.0 hub to avoid interference as well as make sure have enough Zigbee Router devices on the same Zigbee network), so read and make an effort to follow those best practices.

I am having the same issue, I bought one Parasoll and one Vallhorn and they are not working, both are stuck at ‘Interview Complete - Configuring’. Hardware: NUC with HAOS 11.4, core 2024.1.3 and a Sonoff dongle P with updated firmware.

In case it was an interference issue, I tried to follow Hedda advice and moved the devices: I tried in the room where the coordinator is, in another room with just 3 routers, I disconnected some battery temperature sensors… No luck so far.

I have done all that. Long usb leads etc etc. no luck.

I bought today four Sonff door sensors. All work perfectly. The IKEA devices do not work. I thought two were working but they are not. So, 4 sonoff do work, 4 IKEA parasoll do not. All on my desk in a row.

To my mind there is a software issue.

I bought three of these. Same issue as others. The sensor is recognised and even says complete but does not work.
Does the fact that it can’t be correctly recognised mean that it requires the quirk?
I’ve only just started playing with zigbee via a sonoff dongle p. Would the quirk be added by a future zha update?

I don’t know about the quirk. I suspect there is some mechanism for requesting one to be written but I don’t know how that is done. It could be we have to wait for someone with good ZigBee knowledge to have the same problem and write the quirk.

It’s a real shame they don’t work because they are beautifully made, run on AAA batteries and are small and unobtrusive, it even looks like they are waterproof to some extent.

If someone could point me at the procedure for requesting a quirk (if there is such a thing). I would be very happy to gather whatever information is required.

By the way, yesterday I put a 1.2V rechargeable battery in (IKEA recommend them) and it went all the way through the installation process and created entities - I thought I had cracked it! - but the entities didn’t work. Always stuck on Open and battery % unknown. Maybe someone else might try the same.


I bought a Skyconnect. Flashed it to latest firmware. All IKEA Parasoll sensors work perfectly.

Issue therefore is something to do with the firmware on the Sonoff 3.0 USB Dongle Plus which as you can see (above) I also updated to the latest firmware.

I decided to take a bit of punt on the IKEA PARASOLL door sensor (given the varied HA compatibility/installation results reported so far) and can report that I seem to have been lucky with my particular HA & ZHA configuration, and it was detected and installed first time without issue :+1:

For anyone wrestling with compatibility, the following is my “confirmed working” configuration:

Component Firmware
HA Core 2024.1.5
HA Supervisor 2023.12.1
HA OS 11.4
ZHA 2024.1.5 (per HA Core)
Sonoff 2ZBDongle-P Z-Stack 20230507
Ikea Parasoll 0x01000019

NB: This has been purchased as a test device, with a view to replacing all my currently installed Sonoff SNZB-04 that have a habit of dropping out of the Zigbee mesh, then draining their batteries - I’ve lost count of the number of ruddy CR2032 batteries they have chewed through :angry:
It’s obviously early days with the Parasoll, but the build quality appears excellent, it takes a single rechargeable AAA battery and, so far, seems to be working reliably.

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Glad to see people having some luck with this new wave of IKEA devices, especially with their ability to use rechargeable batteries. Gonna grab a couple to use with my HA yellow and see how it goes.

All worked first time with the parasoll on HA yellow with ZHA, which was a relief. 4 presses of the pairing button within 5 seconds to reset and go into pairing mode.

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No luck in my case with new IKEA zigbee devices. I have 7 functinal devices, including several IKEA tradfri remotes, but new Vallhorn sensor and Rodret dimmer do not work. Both devices can be added to HA, but they do not report anything…
I am using latest version of HA and Slae.sh Zigbee dongle with latest firmware.

It’s working for me with ZHA and skyconnect with latest fw.

The issue is that after a few hours (probably more then 4hrs) becomes unavailable.

Then, if I open the door it becomes available again, but I don’t get the first message, the door open, but I get only when it closes after.
It works well until next time it gets unavailable…

Anyone with same issue?


PS: I am trying another Parasoll sensor with Z2M and it does not disconnect like in ZHA
Regarding the battery, it’s written that it can take up to 24hrs before showing up, I will update tomorrow

The battery, after some hours, before 24, now it’s ok.
I think I will move the parasoll sensors to z2m until in zha will work properly

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I was able to add it successfully by joining it via another IKEA device. I have mains powered light controllers from Ikea so just added them via that device. However, it did get stuck on configuring so I just clicked the pair button 4 time again and then it got added. That said it’s not reading battery state but the open/close events are being recorded properly now.

Pairing the devices through an IKEA bulb seems to do the trick in my case. The Parasoll works and it shows the battery. The Vallhorn works with presence and luminance but no battery is reported.