IKEA Parasoll/Vallhorn devices not working (ZHA)

Did you get it integrated through the Ikea integration or zha or z2mqtt?

Looking to buy soon tomorrow and have both zha and trådfri running

Recently RODRET dimmer just started working without me doing anything, but I think it’s linked to latest update of HA (2024.1.6).

Vallhorn also started reporting motion in logbook but no battery, occupancy or opening sensors are set. I am not sure even motion is reliable, as I see it reporting motion occasionally but not as often as it should (set to 1 minute).

Rodret had been working for me over zha since this summer, how do you integrate it?

I’m also on old conbee stick

I have also setup the Ikea firmware update over zha

I’ve added it via ZHA integration and using normal add device procedure. If I remember correctly it was just tip I read somewhere not to follow IKEA instruction of holding pair button for 10 seconds, but just factory resetting it (pressing it several times). I am just not sure if it was for RODRET or VALLHORN.

Adding to ZHA worked even before for both devices, but the devices were not reporting anything after being added. Now RODRET works quite good, registering button press every time, but motion sensor is still useless, hopefully this will change soon.

I’ve managed to add a second PARASOLL to ZHA after having discovery issues several times - no entities. It worked as follows.

  1. In ZHA I started “add device” from my Sonoff dongle-P
  2. put the parasoll very close to the zdongle antenna
  3. reset parasoll: push button 4 times within 5 secs
  4. while a blue configuration box appears, reset parasoll again: push button 4 times within 5 secs
    Doing so a green box came out - configuration ok
    I hope it helps

My PARASOLL worked with ZHA today.
Push button 4 times within 5 secs 5 cm from the zigbee antenna, first there was no entities, but then I connected the other half to the PARASOLL and I got the entities. But it is acting kind of strange, if the two parts are together it sends open / closed every second.

I just received a few of these Parasoll door sensors and was amazed at how quick they paired. Using Silicon_Labs_HubZ_Smart_Home_Controller (FW: Firmware: build 962) & ZHA.

Simply pressed the pair button 4x and it popped up almost immediately and completed configuration

So I’ve set up a new installation on a Pi4 with Sonoff dongle P to monitor an unoccupied house waiting for sale. To keep thnigs simple I went for ZHA rather than Z2M and to try and keep the costs down almost all the bits used are “spare” from my house, so I’ve used several Philips Hue bulbs and dimmers, a couple of Wiz bulbs, plus I’ve built 2 presence sensors with LD2410. This all works like a dream, WiFi has been extended to make sure there’s coverage and everything works as expected, so far!

So enter Vallhorn, Parasoll and Rodret to this working setup, all with Ikea rechargable batteries just charged! The 2 Rodret switches were added first and all was fine, automations created and bulbs controlled fine and still are after 2 days. To get these to join I had to use the 4 presses, wait and the long press otherwise they wouldn’t join but once joined they’ve been rock solid.

Next was Vallhorn, joining this is still hit and miss, but the 4 presses, wait and long press seems to be the most successful. However, I’ve only got a reading after the initial join and overnight it becomes unavailable. Long press does nothing to wake it up and it needs to be rejoined, but again just the initial reading and nothing afterwards.

Finally I added the Parasolls, I have 3. To get them to join again was the 4 presses, wait and long press. 2 have been fine and report door activity as they should. The third, nearest to the coordinator, has become unvailable for a few hours overnight but is now working fine.

Any ideas on the Vallhorn anyone? I’m going to take it home with me in a few days and try it with my Z2M and see if I can source a Philips Hue motion sensor while I’m here.

So I’m back home with a coffee and cake plus the Vallhorn.

I put the batteries in, hit the Permit Join button on Z2M, 4 quick presses and joined straight away plus the Occupancy, Battery, Illuminance, Identify and Link quality all immediately available and active.

I’m using the same model of coordinator at both sites, the remote one is a Pi4, home is i3 based SFF PC, remote is ZHA and home is Z2M. For the moment I’m assuming this is a Vallhorn/ZHA problem and I’m going to swap out another PIR based sensor from home to put at the remote site on the next visit.

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What is your chip? I have a SLZB-06 (TI CC2652P) and it takes forever for VALLHORN to pair in ZHA. And double forever with SOMRIG button that ends up with no entities at all. My experience has been awful. I cannot get SLZB-06 set up in network socket mode on Ethernet at all, just get an error in ZHA.

Some devices pair immediately like Third Realty 3RSP02028BZ smart plugs or door sensors. Even cheap eWeLink MS01 eWeLink SNZB-04. But IKEA has been a failure for me.

Same symptoms on ZBDongle-P (TI CC2652P) updated to CC1352P2_CC2652P_launchpad_coordinator_20230507.

I’m starting to think it’s the TI chip, and I should change to EFR32MG21, via a SLZB-06M.

@Krebstar2000 The coordinator I used is the same in both installations, Sonoff Dongle P and the chip (according to the docs) is CC2652P.

As I said above at home with Z2M and a PC has been trouble free now for a couple of weeks. The remote one is ZHA and a Raspberry Pi was nothing but trouble with the Vallhorn. Having said that the Rodret was straightforward but the Parasoll was more difficult. Rodret and Parasoll have been working for a few weeks and all fine except for one Parasoll that becomes unavailable every few days for a day or so.

So I’m guessing there’s more of an issue with the newer Ikea devices?

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I’ll share my experience. First the Vallhorn couldn’t work reliably with ZHA, in the end I migrated to Zigbee2MQTT, updated firmware to 1.0.64, and the sensor works for few days correctly.
Then it suddenly stops, reports constant Lux value, doesn’t detect motion. In Z2M it’s still marked as Online. Removing batteries doesn’t help. Batteries are NiMH LADA 1.2V.
I use Sonoff ZigBee 3.0 USB Dongle plus, should be CC2652P, with latest firmware.

@pse For my installation since I’ve added to my home network it’s been rock solid. I’ve placed it in a stair well and it’s been controlling the light without issues now for almost a month.

As I said above though, it was NOT happy in the remote installtion with ZHA.

Another account using ZHA with Sonoff P Texas Instruments dongle on firmware “Z-Stack 20210708”
First tried pairing VALLHORN using cheapie 1.5V alkaline batteries, the same batteries the 2 RODRET I bought at the same time are running fine on. The device would struggle to pair (would exit pairing mode before ZHA had finished) and when it did, would send the state at pairing time and not update again.

I borrowed 4 different brands of 1.2V NiMH batteries to test, including some LADDA batteries. Funnily enough, I still struggled to get the thing to pair and send updates with LADDA batteries. Its currently running pretty much perfectly using some no name (literally, there is no brand printed on them) rechargeable batteries. No problems and fast response despite connecting to a distant router with low LQI.

I have ordered a second VALLHORN as redundancy because this one does seem particularly sensitive to battery voltage, having not even worked with LADDA but happy with it for now.