Ikea Starkvind + deConz

I have Ikea Starkvind, Connbee II, deConz + HA integration.
I had the air quality and PM sensors appear in HA for a few hours. After a restart of deConz, they have become unavailable [“Restored”]. I can see in the deConz REST API that it’s still there:

 "29": {
    "config": {
      "filterlifetime": 259200,
      "ledindication": true,
      "locked": false,
      "mode": "auto",
      "on": true,
      "reachable": true
    "ep": 1,
    "etag": "db8a422e1656d3a6f912c5eff7858943",
    "lastannounced": null,
    "lastseen": "2024-02-10T22:04Z",
    "manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
    "modelid": "STARKVIND Air purifier",
    "name": "AirPurifier 29",
    "productid": "E2007",
    "state": {
      "deviceruntime": 1865,
      "filterruntime": 1865,
      "lastupdated": "2024-02-10T22:05:05.094",
      "replacefilter": false,
      "speed": 20
    "swversion": "1.0.033",
    "type": "ZHAAirPurifier",
    "uniqueid": "0c:43:14:ff:fe:74:8e:69-01-fc7d"
  "30": {
    "capabilities": {
      "measured_value": {
        "max": 999,
        "min": 0,
        "quantity": "density",
        "substance": "PM2.5",
        "unit": "ug/m^3"
    "config": {
      "on": true,
      "reachable": true
    "ep": 1,
    "etag": "06eeed7c22b77e81299011f991e0ac31",
    "lastannounced": null,
    "lastseen": "2024-02-10T22:04Z",
    "manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
    "modelid": "STARKVIND Air purifier",
    "name": "AirQuality 30",
    "productid": "E2007",
    "state": {
      "airquality": "unknown",
      "lastupdated": "2024-02-10T22:02:08.900",
      "measured_value": 7,
      "pm2_5": 7
    "swversion": "1.0.033",
    "type": "ZHAParticulateMatter",
    "uniqueid": "0c:43:14:ff:fe:74:8e:69-01-042a"

these values match what can be seen by inspecting the clusters in deConz.
I have tried deleting the Device in HA, it has reappeared and now has no controls at all :frowning:
So HA can get the data, but it doesn’t appear. What can I do about this?

I’m having the same problem.

My Ikea Starkvind was working for the last several months, but after the upgrade to the latest deConz firmware, the sensor is not visible anymore in HA, but also not in showing in deConz Phoscon application.

However, when going through the rest-api it’s still there.

  • ConBee II
  • gateway version : 2.25.3
  • firmware: 26720700

I can controll the fan and read some value’s from Ikea Starkvink e.q. the sensor particles number, but the airquality is allways excellent (it’s not).

I never saw it in the web app once, only ever in deConz.

What does HA expect from the JSON feed from deConz? Is this something that can be overridden or is it hard-coded?

Is the issue that the Starkvind appears as two different entities “29” and “30”, with the parameters spread across both?

yes, same here at this moment, The sensor is not showing in deConz (phoscon) app. before the update, it showed up in the sensor tab of phoscon (only the particle sensor). Strangely it’s still available through the rest-api!

Today I upgraded the firmware of the Conbee II stick to version: 26780700, and tried to re-pair the StarKVind.

But no change in the behaviour of the Phoscon. Still no sensor Starkvind is showing under sensors.

So my guess is that the application Phoscon is not working as it should.