I have Ikea Starkvind, Connbee II, deConz + HA integration.
I had the air quality and PM sensors appear in HA for a few hours. After a restart of deConz, they have become unavailable [“Restored”]. I can see in the deConz REST API that it’s still there:
"29": {
"config": {
"filterlifetime": 259200,
"ledindication": true,
"locked": false,
"mode": "auto",
"on": true,
"reachable": true
"ep": 1,
"etag": "db8a422e1656d3a6f912c5eff7858943",
"lastannounced": null,
"lastseen": "2024-02-10T22:04Z",
"manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
"modelid": "STARKVIND Air purifier",
"name": "AirPurifier 29",
"productid": "E2007",
"state": {
"deviceruntime": 1865,
"filterruntime": 1865,
"lastupdated": "2024-02-10T22:05:05.094",
"replacefilter": false,
"speed": 20
"swversion": "1.0.033",
"type": "ZHAAirPurifier",
"uniqueid": "0c:43:14:ff:fe:74:8e:69-01-fc7d"
"30": {
"capabilities": {
"measured_value": {
"max": 999,
"min": 0,
"quantity": "density",
"substance": "PM2.5",
"unit": "ug/m^3"
"config": {
"on": true,
"reachable": true
"ep": 1,
"etag": "06eeed7c22b77e81299011f991e0ac31",
"lastannounced": null,
"lastseen": "2024-02-10T22:04Z",
"manufacturername": "IKEA of Sweden",
"modelid": "STARKVIND Air purifier",
"name": "AirQuality 30",
"productid": "E2007",
"state": {
"airquality": "unknown",
"lastupdated": "2024-02-10T22:02:08.900",
"measured_value": 7,
"pm2_5": 7
"swversion": "1.0.033",
"type": "ZHAParticulateMatter",
"uniqueid": "0c:43:14:ff:fe:74:8e:69-01-042a"
these values match what can be seen by inspecting the clusters in deConz.
I have tried deleting the Device in HA, it has reappeared and now has no controls at all
So HA can get the data, but it doesn’t appear. What can I do about this?