IKEA SYMFONISK (Sonos) play spotify album via scene

Hi all,

i want to play a Spotify album on my IKEA SYMFONISK(sonos) box via a scene or automation.
This i want to do without the Tradfri Gateway.
But i was not able to solve the situation.

I have integrated the Spotify integration and the sonos integration.
I can play music via Spotify but not over the SYMFONISK.

Has someone some hints for me how i can solve the situation in order to play Spotify via SYMFONISK in an scene or automation?

First thing first. Does your SYMFONISK appear as a target in the plain spotify webapp?
If not, that’s something to fix, first.

First you need to add Spotify playlists to your Sonos playlists in the Sonos mobile app. Then you can find these Sonos playlists among the sources of the Sonos device media player entity in HA. This syncs automatically, so whenever you make changes to the playlists (and radio stations) in Sonos app, your media player entity sources will reflect the change.
You can call a service to play any of these sources as follows:

 service: media_player.select_source
   entity_id: media_player.YOURSONOS

Hi Suxlala,

many thanks a lot. This is the hint i was missing.
So what i did is to add a RadioStation and a Playlist in my sonos App:

But in HA i can only select the radio station and not the Playlist.
Do you have any hint what i am doing wrong here?

I don’t remember to do anything more. This should work normally. Maybe you need to wait a bit.