IKEA Traadfri Unavailable After Update

Hi All,

So I yesterday my IKEA Gateway stopped responding in Hassio and I saw that errors regarding DTLS and IKEA Traadfri setup was in my log. So I tried restarting Hassio but same errors occured. No Bulbs was functioning.

So I looked at the documentation: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/tradfri/
It states that after updates, sometimes you will need to delete the .tradfri_psk.conf file in your .homeassistant, so I went there by opening SMB to: \xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx but under my config library I was not able to locate any file with that name.

Has this been changed or am I looking in the wrong library?
I got it solved my removing the integration with IKEA and added it again, but maybe the other thing would have solved the case also if I was able to locate it.
