Ikea Trådfri color temperature slider missing?

Hi fellas!

To start things off - a quick disclaimer: I’m very new to home automation and Home Assistant. I do apologize if the following question is poorly stated or perhaps just dumb.

I’m running Home Assistant with the Skyconnect ZHA dongle. I’ve successfully paired a Hue sensor and a Hue bulb, and I’ve created an automation using them both. I can control the on/off, color temperature and brightness of the bulb - all good.

I’ve now purchased some new Ikea Trådfri bulbs (light.ikea_of_sweden_tradfri_bulb_e27_ww_g95_cl_470lm_light). I’d expect the same advertised controls as with the Hue bulb, meaning on/off, color temperature (white->warm) and brightness. For some reason, I only have on/off and brightness.
To be clear; I’m not using the Trådfri/Dirigera hub.

Now, I’ve done a fair bit of reading, but my lack of foundational knowledge is a bit oh a hindrance, so I’m not quite getting anywhere.

Is there some way that I could set the color temperature values, most importantly though automation? If possible, I’d also like to be able to control it through my Styrbar remote.

Thank you in advance.