Ikea Trådfri color temperature slider missing?

Hi fellas!

To start things off - a quick disclaimer: I’m very new to home automation and Home Assistant. I do apologize if the following question is poorly stated or perhaps just dumb.

I’m running Home Assistant with the Skyconnect ZHA dongle. I’ve successfully paired a Hue sensor and a Hue bulb, and I’ve created an automation using them both. I can control the on/off, color temperature and brightness of the bulb - all good.

I’ve now purchased some new Ikea Trådfri bulbs (light.ikea_of_sweden_tradfri_bulb_e27_ww_g95_cl_470lm_light). I’d expect the same advertised controls as with the Hue bulb, meaning on/off, color temperature (white->warm) and brightness. For some reason, I only have on/off and brightness.
To be clear; I’m not using the Trådfri/Dirigera hub.

Now, I’ve done a fair bit of reading, but my lack of foundational knowledge is a bit oh a hindrance, so I’m not quite getting anywhere.

Is there some way that I could set the color temperature values, most importantly though automation? If possible, I’d also like to be able to control it through my Styrbar remote.

Thank you in advance.

This happened to me twice. One, I returned and got a new one. This time, I setup the bulb, but these lights have been replaced at this point.

Here’s a comparison of the two bulbs I put in tonight:



I’m wondering if it’s just configured incorrectly or if the firmware is too old for ZHA. Is there a way to force it to flash a different firmware?

Now I’m really leaning toward it being a Home Assistant configuration issue because both lights report the same sw_build_id which I think means firmware version:

Also weird, when i tried changing this to color temperature mode, it wrote the attribute, but when I read it back, it was unchanged:

So something’s funky with this light.