IKEA Trådfri lights can't toggle

I’m using Home Assistant version 0.93. I’m having an issue where I can’t toggle IKEA lights. They turn off just fine, but won’t turn back on when calling the light.toggle service. In the UI the state shows as turning on an off, but they don’t.

Any help?

Works for me, just tried to call service light.toggle. works fine.

Have you tried calling the service in the developer tools? If not, there might be something wrong with your automation code.


I am calling it through the developer tools. When I call the toggle service, all the lights turn off, but the state of all the Trådfri lights stays on, so they can’t turn back on. Why doesn’t the state of the lights update?

It seems it’s caused by the state of the Trådfri lights not updating. This is a known issue.

Everytime I have issue with the light I reboot HA.