Ikea Trådfri outlet switching works but no main power?

I recently bought a Conbee II and is using it with my raspi2. I bought some Ikea trådfri bulbs and they paired just fine. I also got an Trådfri outlet. While this device also paired fine and shows up automatically in HA there is an issue with it. When I toggle the switch in HA from on/off, the tiny blue LED on the physical switch lights up, indicating its on. However, the bulb I connected to the switch does not light up(its a regular bulb), indicating that there is no main power on the switch.

Anyone experienced the same?

LED on but no power it seems.

Is the bulb the IKEA smart bulb?
Or is it a traditional bulb.

It could be that the relay is stuck, unplug it and give it a tap on a hard surface from a few directions and try again.

If that is the issue then I would ask for a replacement because it will not get better.

Haha unpluggin and tapping made it work now, thanks. :slight_smile:

As I said it will not get better with time, only worse.

Damn, any idea how long? Weeks? Months? Figured I could try it for a while at least?