Ikea Tradfri Remote deconz

Hi all,

i´ve been having some trouble these past days with the Ikea Tradfri remotes. Hassio on the Raspberry is running on the latest version and deconz add-on also. The remote is connected to the deconz gateway and there is the sensor.remote1_battery_status in hassio but i cant get the remote working with the button presses like in the documentation of the deconz with state: 3002 for example. Where do i have to put the code in the documentation with automation: … ? I´ve tried the automation.yaml but there is an error.

Can anyone give me an easy tutorial on where to put codes in which yaml files to get it running ? I just want to change bulbs on and off or control the brightness with the remotes.

So what i have:
4 Tradfri remotes (name in phoscon remote1, remote2, etc.)
5 Osram bulbs connected to Hue Bridge
4 Hue Lamps on the Hue Bridge

What i want:
1 remote to control my 2 osram bedroom lights
1 remote to control my 2 osram living room lights
1 remote to control my 4 hue gaming room lights
1 remote to what ever i dont know yet

Thanks in advance

Have you used deconz_event in the developers tools/events section to monitor if the remotes are working first ?

Here’s a couple of my automations for using the 5 button ikea remotes, make sure you change the id to match yours (look in the battery entity and there will be an attribute with the id):

- alias: Toggle bedroom ceiling light from ikea remote
    - platform: event
      event_type: deconz_event
        id: tradfri_remote_control
        event: 2002
    service: switch.toggle
    entity_id: switch.qubino_goap_zmnhba2_flush_2_relays_switch_2

- alias: Toggle bedroom fan from ikea remote
    - platform: event
      event_type: deconz_event
        id: tradfri_remote_control
        event: 3002
    service: switch.toggle
    entity_id: switch.qubino_goap_zmnhba2_flush_2_relays_switch_3

Also see here it explains the button numbers:

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With hass release 0.99 you will have all events easily selectable to be used as triggers from the automation frontend

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Thank you so much ! That was exactly what i was looking for but my stupid ass put sensor.remote1 instead of remote1 into the id :see_no_evil:

And the deconz_event thing in the developer tools section is super usefull, i wasnt even aware of this.

All the same things I did when I first started ! Glad you’re up and running