Ikea TRÅDFRI repeater and zigbee2MQTT

I recently bought a TRÅDFRI repeater as my zigbee gateway isnt powerful enough to cover the whole house.

In the most part it seems to work but I get some very strange behaviour when pairing new devices.
Initially the new device pairs OK, but none of the sensors give any value.

If I turn off the TRÅDFRI, pair the device, then turn back on after its paired it seems to work ok.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Just a guess, but perhaps it doesn’t report frequently, but does send something at power-up? Have you tried waiting?

mine worked after a few tries. I think you hold down the button for 5 seconds to reset it ans start pairing mode. I held it down longer.


i’ve got a simmilar behavioir but even without a Tradri repeater.
Waiting just for a few minutes is the Solutions in my Installation.
First it seem to be massed Up and the device is not correctly discovered and not data seem to be valid, but after 5 to 10 minutes evrything seem to be fine.

background info
Running with only 13 different Devices (just recently started with HA) Philips, NOUS, Ikea, Aquara on a zigbee network connected via SonOff Stick on HAOS running from an SSD at a i5 9th generation Platform.
So I do not expect the delay comming from the Hardware setup.

‘’ ’
the NOUS plugs

Hersteller TuYa
Modell TS011F_plug_1
’ ‘’

seem to Stress the System as they sometimes Stop reporting correct values but they are at the verry far end of my network and I woul like to improve it with those ikea Extender as well.

would be nice to know if just Waiting for a few minutes would also solve your issues.

best regards