Ikea Tradfri Starkvind air purifier sensors missing?

I just got an Ikea Starkvind air purifier and connected it to HA through Zigbee / ConBee II USB Stick (I don’t have an Ikea Tradfri Gateway).

Connecting the Starkvind was easy and I can turn the fan on and off and set its speed.

I expected it to also show an air quality sensor, but there is none. Am I doing something wrong?

Here is a screenshot of the found device (note the two “null” entries?) and of the device after pairing:

Please let me know if there is some way to get the air quality sensor reading.


Perhaps try re-pairing.

I already tried repairing - same result, no air quality sensors.

Just for the record… the air quality sensor suddenly appeared in the sensor list when I checked again a few days later. I don’t know why or if I did anything to make it appear… weird.

Here is an updated screenshot for comparison:

Maybe it published some info.

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Hi there, any idea where to check if STARKVIND Air Purifier and Air Puifier Table detects as Fan plus 3 modes (on, auto, smart) but without any sensors at all?

HA 2022.10.0 (build using haos_rpi4-64-9.0.img.xz)
ZHA + Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 USB Stick

Tried re-pairing and reconfigure (from device info page) not helping.

I have exactly the same, STARKVIND Air Purifier on detects Fan plus modes as above…
HA 2022.10.0
ZHA + Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 Plus v2 (E)…EFR32MG21 chip.

On a side note when I got the USB dongle I first tested on Zigbee2mqtt and it discovered all STARKVIND Sensors without problems… a few days ago I decided to change to ZHA as its built in.

Report missing sensor/entities bugs as issues to ZHA Device Handlers → https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues

The reason why is explained in ZHA docs here → https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha#zha-exception-and-deviation-handling

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Any updates on this? I can see the endpoint configure but it’s not displaying the pm2.5 sensor

Search existing issues for ZHA Device Handlers or submit a new issue to report missing sensor/entities bugs as issues to ZHA Device Handlers → https://github.com/zigpy/zha-device-handlers/issues

The reason why some devices need custom ZHA Device Handler (a.k.a. quirk) with is explained in ZHA docs here → https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/zha#zha-exception-and-deviation-handling

Perhaps a clue or maybe just a ‘worked for me’.

After pairing my new Starkvind, it did the OTA update within about 10 mins and ‘reconfigure’ showed the air quality and pm2.5 attributes/cluster, but it wasn’t until I rebooted my HA instance that the sensor values showed up.

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it wasn’t until I rebooted my HA instance that the sensor values showed up.

Can confirm. I set it up a few days ago and nothing helped (including restarts). I read your message now and did another restart, voila it’s there. Seems like we just needs to wait a day (?) then reboot and it works.

Same here, just set mine up and the sensor showed up after rebooting HA

Thank you for the tip!

Can anyone confirm which values and toggles for Starkvind are supposed show up eventually with ZHA?

So far only get Fan (on/off) and pm2.5 (in µg/m³).
What I am missing is Air quality (e.g. “good”) and Fan Speed (e.g. “2” or “auto”).

I would like to make an automation that combines the Air Quality sensor value with external Presence and Open/Closed sensors to adjust the fan speed.

Update: To whom it may concern, Fan Speed is there implicitly, if you click on the title next to the power button:


“Air Quality” is probably simply a scale of PM2.5 ranges. I would like to know that scale for educational purposes so I know how to interpret PM2.5, but I can understand why ZHA left it out if it’s just a less accurate way to report the same thing.