Ikea Tradfri STARKVIND

What’s the current state of this? I’m getting mixed messages from the discussion above. I’m thinking of buying one of these to make my resin printing sessions a bit safer but I’m only going to spend the kind of money this one costs if I can justify the added cost by being able to add it to my Home Assistant.

I’m using Zigbee2MQTT and it seems like it at least exposes it but since people in this thread seem to be saying they can’t actually control it I’d like to double-check.

not sure what the issue might be, but both my Starkvind tables work as expected, and I can control them via HA nicely.

I am using it via the Ikea Gateway though and HA integration, not sure if that would make a difference for controlling it.

adapted the above template to:

{% set q = states('sensor.luchtreiniger_hall_air_quality')|int(default=1000) %}
{% if q <= 12 %} Good
{% elif q <= 35 %} Moderate
{% elif q <= 55 %} Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
{% elif q <= 150 %} Unhealthy
{% elif q <= 250 %} Very Unhealthy
{% elif q <= 500 %} Hazardous
{% else %} Device off
{% endif %}

because otherwise, the default value 0 would imply a ‘Good’ readout, while in fact unknown. Setting the default value to 1000 solves that

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That would definitely make a difference as you’re not talking ZigBee to it from HA, but good to know that the Ikea integration does work

It’s working fine with Z2M.

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Awesome, thank you for the confirmation.

Hi, I have starkvind for some time now and I was bummed that only control I can do is turn it on and off and turn on the child lock. As mentioned above I can also read the air quality, but I don’t think it’s very precise.
But recently I figured out how to control starkvind in home assitant - you need mushroom integration from HACS. There is fan control in it and it works perfectly with starkvind.
You can control the fan speed and if you turn it to lowest setting it switches to auto.
Everything works in ZHA
Hope this helps everyone.
So right now it looks like this for me:

No need for that card at all? It’s readily available in core HA entities card, and more-info of the fan?

I don’t see any way to control speed of the fan natively, just through zha.
Enligten me.

The air purifier is working rather well through ZHA now. I can control the fan speed and monitor filter life, however, the air quality sensor is missing despite it is being reported in the cluster. Any clues on how this can be added?

I use gauge card like this.

I found the values for “good” “moderate” and “bad” air quality somewhere online.
I just dont think the sensitivity is very good and it shows the same air quality for a long time even if the fan is running.

I find the sensitivity to be quite good.
I have one in the bedroom. The PM 2.5 spikes whenever we shake up the bed (typically in the morning) and goes down quickly again after that.
Typically it looks something like this:

do you know if there is a good way to do OTA update for the air purifier through HA?

I found out that it’s not that it’s not precise, but update much less frequently, dont know what to do about it :confused:
edit2: miraculously (i did nothing) my purifier started updating frequently. my graph now looks similar to one above. Nice

There isn’t even a PM25 sensor in my device connected through ZHA.

I would like to do an automation and control the fan based on the pm2.5 level. I can’t set the fan speed though, do I need to do it via YAML? Has someone already done it? The auto feature is too slow for me.

In my case the sensor for particles is going higher and higher for no apparent reason, see screenshot. This graph is a period of 30 days using Grafana.

Anyone any idea why this might happen?

P.S. directly connected via Zigbee to ZHA, no IKEA bridge.

Did you ever get this working?

My starkvind shows up exactly as yours, but no air quality sensor is available. When looking at the endpoint it is clearly available.

I’m using ZHA with a skyconnect stick.

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This happens judging from my own experience. Cleaning the pre-filter usually resolves the issue. It’s recommended to have it cleaned every 2-4 weeks.

Did you ever get this to show up? I can also see the air quality rating in the manage clusters area, but I have no actual entity for it.

Perhaps a clue or maybe just a ‘worked for me’.

After pairing my new Starkvind, it did the OTA update within about 10 mins and ‘reconfigure’ showed the air quality and pm2.5 attributes/cluster, but it wasn’t until I rebooted my HA instance that the sensor values showed up.