Ikea Tradfri STARKVIND

Did you ever get this working?

My starkvind shows up exactly as yours, but no air quality sensor is available. When looking at the endpoint it is clearly available.

I’m using ZHA with a skyconnect stick.

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This happens judging from my own experience. Cleaning the pre-filter usually resolves the issue. It’s recommended to have it cleaned every 2-4 weeks.

Did you ever get this to show up? I can also see the air quality rating in the manage clusters area, but I have no actual entity for it.

Perhaps a clue or maybe just a ‘worked for me’.

After pairing my new Starkvind, it did the OTA update within about 10 mins and ‘reconfigure’ showed the air quality and pm2.5 attributes/cluster, but it wasn’t until I rebooted my HA instance that the sensor values showed up.

How can you tell it did the OTA update?

The OTA update system in ZHA seems like it’s in the depths of the settings and not that intuitive and reliable, based on the one guide I followed.

Hi, just bought the table version,
All parameters show up in z2m.
Just one concern though, I also happen to have Ikea vindstyrka placed at my back garden,
so for comparison sake, i placed the table right below it.
The pm 2.5 measurement differs by 20-30 points, is this normal?
The upper one seems to be the most accurate, i don’t smell anything polluting.
Its a used item, the filter report says its been used 50 days, thats why i’m concerned.

I consider adding my STARKVIND purifiers to my HA soon. I am just wondering about one thing… Will I be able to set them to the Auto-Mode from HA? Or will I need an automation and control it based on the PM2.5 value?

If you use Z2M, then Yes. Do not know for ZHA

In the newer versions of ZHA this is easier to access.

Also as a follow up I added this using ZHA and I had to restart my HA for the air filter to show up, even after adding the table.

The mushroom card worked for me. Thanks for the easy solution

It seems the integration from Starvkind has changed sometime in the last two(?) weeks.

Before you could just set the fan speed to 10% and it would go into auto-modus. Now if I change it to 10% it goes back to 20%. There is a new (at least i didn’t see it before) preset “auto” and activating that starts auto modus.

As an upside it shows now the actual rotator speed in auto modus instead of 10%, as a downside this preset seems not to be configureable with standard cards or mushroom cards. As a workaround you can turn the device off and on and it starts in auto mode.

Better solution than off/on to active auto modus: I use the Mushroom fan card. To activate auto I set the standard touch as “Action” and “preset fan”, choose the Starvkind fan entity and as preset name “auto”.