IKEA VALLHORN motion sensor (ZHA)

Does the lux sensor report continuously, even if there is no motion detected?

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Good question. I would like to know to before I buy them.

History from my Vallhorn sensor in the basement. The lux is updated many times during periods without movement.

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Yes, it is reporting continuously. I use this entity to automate another light.
I applied the Advanced Motion Sensor Automation blueprint to the IKEA VALLHORN. I’m testing for now and so far I don’t see any major problems. What I miss is the ability to select the switch as ‘light’.
I have not yet discovered which entity (occupancy or opening) is better suited for control. Vallhorn has a hardware option to select grace period (1 or 5 min), so ‘wait time’ in the blueprint just adds to that one. As for the luxmeter, that acct is affected by the hardware settings.
Whether I use rechargeables (1.2V) or alkaline batteries (1.5V), the Vallhorn’s behaviour is exactly the same. I have not noticed any differences. Designing the equipment for rechargeable battery only would make no sense structurally and in terms of usability, wouldn’t it?


Can anyone help me confirm your typical Lux readings? I seem to max out at 1365 exactly which is nothing when placed outside?

Id like to be able to tell cloudy from Sunny weather…

Hope you can help :slight_smile:

I’m annoyed by the red light turning on everytime it detects motion. Does anyone know how to turn the light off?

Tried the first button (the clock icon) and it works - the Opening sensor stays open for 1 or 5 minutes. But for the love of god, I cannot figure out what the other button does. It should be day / night mode, but there is no mention of that in the manual. It behaves the same whether is light or dark…

EDIT: as per ChatGPT:

  • Day Mode (Sun Icon): The sensor is active both during the day and night. It will detect motion and activate the connected light regardless of the ambient light level.
  • Night Mode (Moon Icon): The sensor is only active when it’s dark. It will detect motion and activate the connected light only when the ambient light level is low, typically during the evening or night.

Just tested using Night Mode holding the sensor a foot away from a 4000lm light, Occupancy got updated but Opening did not. Illuminance showed 600lx. Is that the correct behavior?

However, when I moved it like 7 feet away, which was still very bright, just like during the day, it said olny 22lx, which is apparently considered dark and the Opening started switching again.

Is this your experience also or might my unit be broken?

EDIT2: I mean sure I can use the day mode and check for both Opening and Illuminance but it kinda grinds my gears that the out-of-the-box function seemingly isn’t working as expected (if I’m not missing anything).