Hi there!
I’m trying to connect home assistant with an Ikohs Netbot LS23 (vacuum) but no way.
Doeas anybody has an idea how to do it?
Hi there!
I’m trying to connect home assistant with an Ikohs Netbot LS23 (vacuum) but no way.
Doeas anybody has an idea how to do it?
Same problem. anybody can help us?
Hi! I made a workarount using ifttt and Alexa to start/stop the netbot from HA.
Better than nothing…
Hi Thomas, are you able to manage also zone?
No… Only start and stop
Still the same status? Tuya local doesn’t work with this device?
No way…
Hi, why IFTT? I only use Alexa media player integration to start/stop it
Wow! Elegant solution! Where should i pur you code ti use or in my HA?
Hi, i have the netbot LS27 and use it with LocalTuya and the xaomi vacuumcard.
it’s a bit of a puzzle to find out which code is which but a lot of info is extractable.
I have most of it visible in HA
Wow! How did you pair the robot with tuya?
you have to extract the localkey, follow this link: HOW TO - Setup Local Tuya in Home Assistant - YouTube
They say its not possilble anymore however i did it this way last week.
otherwise you can always use : tinytuya · PyPI
make sure your device is paired with the smartlife platform, this is possible within the ikiosh app/
it’s work in progress:
as i am a new user i’m limited to 3 replies in 1 topic so have to do it like this.
Do you have it paired with ikohs create home?
Just follow the instructies from ikohs create app for connecting with google home app. This needs the Smart LIFE app. When this is setup you can control the netbot through smart LIFE and use the smartlife app instead of the ikohs one. If that’s working you can extract the Keys.
Does your vacuum broadcast smartxxx before pairing? or does the app you use have something available for connecting with google home?
Wow your project is amazing! I have paired the robot with the ikohs app but no way to pair it with the smart life app…
How did you paired the robot with the smart life app?
Ibtried with create home but It doesnt recognize my netbot ls23…
No way…
same problem here i only can add the vacuum with oficial ikohs app!
Do you have the details of your tuya conf on the DP IDs?
I can not do stop and the return to base ?
Model : LS23 NETBOT
Hello friends, I am also having a problem in the configuration of the Ikohs Netbot LS23, the application does not work and I think it is outdated, could someone would give me a suggestion of some other alternative so that I can use? I would really appreciate it if anyone can answer! : )
Hi Carlos. I habe connected the netbot to the Smart Life app. Then i connected that app top Alexa with the Smart Life Skill. Now i send command from home assistant to Alexa and Alexa let start the robot.