ILI9341 esp8266 on esphome

What are the correct pins/yaml for hooking up the ILI9341 2.8" LCD to esp8266?
I have been using this image connect the pins:

But having issues with the yaml from:

Seems to be missing SPI info and I’m not sure what the config for that is as I get this error when compiling:
Component display.ili9341 requires component spi.

Can someone pls share their code/pins to get this running.

  clk_pin: GPIO18 # (Pin on display - SCK/T_CLK)
  mosi_pin: GPIO23 # (Pin on display - SDI(MOSI)/T_DIN)
  miso_pin: GPIO19 # (Pin on display - SDO(MISO)/T_DO)

  - platform: ili9341
    model: TFT 2.4
    rotation: 270
    cs_pin: GPIO14 # (Pin on display - CS)
    dc_pin: GPIO27 # (Pin on display - DC)
    led_pin: GPIO32 # (Pin on display - LED)
    reset_pin: GPIO33 # (Pin on display - RESET)
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Tried it on ESP32 as well and with your pins above I get the hello world to work ok however
as soon as I enable the esphome BT proxy it stops working, seeing this in the logs:

[14:53:33][E][WiFiGeneric.cpp:137] wifiLowLevelInit(): esp_wifi_init 257
[14:53:33][W][wifi_esp32:057]: Setting WiFi mode failed!
[14:53:33][E][wifi:301]: wifi_sta_connect_ failed!

So it looks it can you can either run screen or BT but not both? Using an ESP32-WROOM-32.
Or maybe I need a beefier esp32?

It doesn’t matter, you need 7 GPIO pins and select the right ones on the 8266.
I recommend using esp32 as many problems are reported with 8266.
I have several 2.8" to 3.2" on esp32 and they all work without issue