ILI9488 Display Color problem after latest update

After upgrading my ESPHome units from 2023.11.6 to 2023.12.2 my ILI9488 display colors changed completely:

Black text turned white
Blue fill turned yellow
white fill turned black etc. etc.

My ESPHome units are simply ESP32S2MINI units with ILI9488 SPI displays (3.5 & 4")
They have been running ESPHome for a long time with correct colors, but after the latest ESPHome upgrade everything went crazy.

Part of my code is :

  board: esp32-s2-saola-1
    type: arduino

  - id: yellow
    red: 100%
    green: 100%
    blue: 0%

  - id: red
    red: 100%
    green: 0%
    blue: 0%

  - id: navy
    red: 0%
    green: 0%
    blue: 50%

  clk_pin: GPIO7
  mosi_pin: GPIO11
  miso_pin: GPIO9

  - file: 'arrows/YellowGreyFrame.png'
    id: fridegeyellow
    type: RGBA
  - file: 'arrows/BlueGreyFrame.png'
    id: freezerblue
    type: RGBA

  - platform: ili9xxx
    model: ILI9488_A
    rotation: 180
    cs_pin: 5
    dc_pin: 12
    reset_pin: 35  ### Not used ###
    id: ili9488
      - id: tid
        lambda: |-
          it.rectangle(0,0,479,53, red); 
          it.rectangle(0,265,479,55, red);
          it.image(237,56, id(fridgeyellow));           
          it.image(237,160, id(freezerblue)); 

At the same time I also updated some ESPHome devices with ESP32MINI and ILI9341 SPI displays , to version 2023.12.2, but their colors are not affected, they are still correct…

Are there any additional changes in this upgrade that could affect the ILI9488 display colors ??

Did you checked the release notes?

If there’s nothing in it about your problem, you can create an issues over here Issues · esphome/issues · GitHub

There is nothing in the release notes.

Set inverse_colors: false, that should fix it. I am not sure why it suddenly defaulted to true, ask the devs, or log an issue as suggested.

I also found that setting model: ILI9488_A also fixed some color issues I have had for the last few releases.

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Setting invert_colors: false fixed the problem !!!

Thank you for a fast and very helpful reply !!!

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