Illinois Gas & Electric Cost Scrapers For All Major Utilities

These scrapers will pull the most current rates from the Citizens Utility Board website. There are various municipal providers throughout the state that I have not covered.

Copy them to your configuration.yaml as sensors:

  - platform: scrape

Ameren Gas:

  - platform: scrape
    name: ameren gas cost
    select: "p"
    index: 1
    value_template: '.{{ value.split(" ")[2] | replace (".", "") | replace ("¢","")}}'
    unit_of_measurement: "USD/therm"

Nicor Gas:

  - platform: scrape
    name: nicor gas cost
    select: "p"
    index: 2
    value_template: '.{{ value.split(" ")[2] | replace (".", "") | replace ("¢","")}}'
    unit_of_measurement: "USD/therm"

North Shore Gas:

  - platform: scrape
    name: north shore gas cost
    select: "p"
    index: 3
    value_template: '.{{ value.split(" ")[4] | replace (".", "") | replace ("¢","")}}'
    unit_of_measurement: "USD/therm"

People’s Gas

  - platform: scrape
    name: peoples gas cost
    select: "p"
    index: 4
    value_template: '.{{ value.split(" ")[3] | replace (".", "") | replace ("¢","")}}'
    unit_of_measurement: "USD/therm"

ComEd Electric:

  - platform: scrape
    name: Current Electric Cost
    select: "p"
    index: 2
    value_template: '.0{{ value.split(" ")[0] | replace (".", "") }}'
    unit_of_measurement: "USD/kWh"

Ameren Electric (summer):

  - platform: scrape
    name: ameren electric cost summer
    select: "p"
    index: 4
    value_template: '.0{{ value.split(" ")[0] | replace (".", "") }}'
    unit_of_measurement: "USD/kWh"

Ameren Electric 0-800 kWh (winter):

  - platform: scrape
    name: ameren electric cost winter less 800
    select: "p"
    index: 4
    value_template: '.0{{ value.split(" ")[0] | replace (".", "") }}'
    unit_of_measurement: "USD/kWh"

Ameren Electric Over 800 kWh (winter):

  - platform: scrape
    name: ameren electric cost winter over 800
    select: "p"
    index: 5
    value_template: '.0{{ value.split(" ")[0] | replace (".", "") }}'
    unit_of_measurement: "USD/kWh"

Nice. Ameren user here. Are you also pulling in your meter data, and if so, how? I looked into it a while back but it looked like it might require a SDR.

Using multiscrape would save you a lot of requests.

@danieldotnl it doesn’t look like multiscrape supports the “index” function, but maybe handles it another way?

You can just make that part of your CSS selector. See this for example.

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I’m using a Shelly 3EM in my electrical panel to directly read the power. I have compared my readings to my monthly bills, and its very close.

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I use multiscrape in my own config, although I only need 2 of these. These are just the individual ones so anyone can copy what they need and use multiscrape as well.

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Just for reference, Comed Hourly pricing is available via API. Thanks for sharing the People’s Gas however.

Edit: answered my own questions

Couple questions,

  1. is this still working for anyone?
    A: probably not as originally scripted

  2. has anyone successfully moved this to the scrape integration?
    I’ve set everything up for nicor using the yaml code above, but I don’t get any data for the sensor
    A: I just did. The process is simple if you have a working yaml. My problem was assuming the yaml code in the OP still worked.

I’ll give future people the info that worked for me for Nicor pricing from CUB

  - platform: scrape
    name: nicor gas cost #whatever name you want
    select: "p"
    index: 2
    value_template: '.{{ value.split(" ")[67] | replace ("Gas–","") | replace (".","")}}'
    unit_of_measurement: "USD/therm"

Notice the value template now has a 67 instead of 2. This is likely to break in the near future which is why I also added a scrape from nicor’s own site, that hopefully lasts longer

  - platform: scrape
    name: nicor gas cost #whatever name you want
    select: "p"
    index: 9
    value_template: '.{{ value.split(" ")[3] | replace (".", "") | replace ("¢","")}}'
    unit_of_measurement: "USD/therm"

I also set the device class to ‘monetary’ for these

I’m hoping this scrtape is more durable

Hello folks,
This should be a great long term solution for those who would prefer to use multiscrape. You must have HCAS installed to find and install multiscrape. This references the entire paragraph, so if you have Ameren, you would use ‘{{ value.split(“Ameren Illinois–”)[1].split(" cents")[0] }}’ instead.

  - name: Gas Price Scraper
    scan_interval: 3600

    # Sensor configuration
      - unique_id: gas_price_monthly
        name: Nicor Gas Price
        select: ".vc_cta3-content > p:nth-child(3)"  # CSS selector to target the desired paragraph
        unit_of_measurement: "cents/therm"
        value_template: '{{ value.split("Nicor Gas–")[1].split(" cents")[0] }}'  # Template to extract the value

The solution from @neondoggo was spot on. However, recently, changed some of their HTML code. I had to update the “select” to:

.vc_cta3-content > p:nth-child(4)