Illuminance aware Covers - Smartly Close Curtains or Blinds when too bright

I’m using the following Blueprint to control several curtains based on the brightness in my Living-Room.


  • Set the Blinds to the desired Position when it’s too bright for the specified time
  • Specify one or two Sensors to prevent this automation from reopening the blinds again. Usefully when you don’t want your blinds to open while watching tv. Once the condition is not met anymore (e.g. stopped playing tv), the automation evaluates again if it’s still too bright and then closes your blinds.
  • When the automation closes your blinds and you decide to manually open them again, the automation is going to wait for the specified time to take back the control before closing them again if it’s still too bright.

Open your Home Assistant instance and show the blueprint import dialog with a specific blueprint pre-filled.


01.08.2023 - Uploaded new Blueprint that uses if-then-else to determine whether to open or close the cover: Fixes the issue of not opening the covers when a condition-sensor prevented it.