Illuminatrix – a light color scene generator

Since we could all use a little change as far as RGB lights go, and since it can be a bit tedious to come up with color schemes and palettes on your own, I wrote Illuminatrix.

It’s a custom frontend panel (and/or standalone webapp) that lets you assign colors (with variations) to your RGB lights – never the same colors again (unless you want to, of course – it just calls the light service in HA, doesn’t mess with your scenes or anything).

There’s a whole bunch of nice-looking palettes included too (including the Commodore 64 palette, if you’re so inclined).

Installation currently requires some manual configuration work, but it’s all in the README on GitHub. If you try it out, I’d love to hear some feedback (either here or on the GitHub issue tracker). There’re probably some bugs, and it’s certainly a bit rough around the edges.


I just signed up to say thank you for this :grinning:

I have been using hue emulation / DIY hue… loads of integration types just so I can mirror dynamic scenes as I have a large amount of hue lights and Ikea trad colour lights across my home and been looking for a method to have better scene generators etc… I will put this to the test in the coming days.

this is simply amazing concept.

I just hope you will keep developing it. It’s really impossible to get rid of Hue bridge without this functionality, I can’t really imagine why HA is lacking it for soooooo many years.