I'm new and need help please. Environment Canada Weather

I’m new to HA so please bare with be. I’m trying to add the Environment Canada Weather sensors to my setup. I added the following to my configuration.yaml but no luck. I’m on HassOS 3.7


  • platform: environment_canada
    latitude: 45.xxxxxx
    longitude: -73.xxxxxx
    Station: AB/s0000635

I see in the setup notes that I’m supposed to run “sudo apt-get install libatlas-base-dev libopenjp2-7” . I have the SSH addon but when I ssh and try this command I get “command not found” I also tried “apt-get install libatlas-base-dev libopenjp2-7” and also get “command not found”

That’s only if your OS is raspbian. Are you running Hassio with HassOS?

Also, your format for your code is unreadable. But I believe your problem is that ‘station’ is capitalized, it should be lowercase.

Hi @richard2, welcome to Home Assistant from another fellow Canadian. Are you following the integration instructions here? I don’t see any mention of having to run any commands.
Also not sure if it’s just a typo but for your station you have AB(Alberta) but your station ID is listed as QC(Quebec).

I have the SSH addon but when I ssh and try this command I get “command not found” I also tried “apt-get install libatlas-base-dev libopenjp2-7” and also get “command not found”

Hey @richard2, to follow up on what Petro said, as you’re running HassOS you won’t be able to run that command as HassOS isn’t a standard linux distribution however this shouldn’t be needed when running HassOS.

Do you have any errors related to Environment Canada in your home assistant logs?

I also recommend ensuring your station id is correct. As Northcountry mentioned the station id in your message has AB as the province but the station id is in QC.

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Please see attached pictures. . THANK You for your help.


as i said before, station is capitalized.

- platform: environment_canada
  latitude: 45.xxxx
  longitude: -73.xxxxxx
  Station: QC/s0000635
- platform: environment_canada
  latitude: 45.xxxx
  longitude: -73.xxxxxx
  station: QC/s0000635
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Sorry, I’m new to this. Worked :slight_smile: